The driving motor of the horizontal steering wheel is installed horizontally, so the overall height is very low. Some automatic guided vehicles have requirements for height (for example, the submersible automatic guided vehicle must be very short to get under the cargo). At this time, the horizontal steering wheel is suitable. Regarding the layout of the horizontal steering wheel cable, many users pass the cable through the center hole of the gear plate on the top of the steering gear and then connect it to the automatic guided vehicle body.

This scheme has a greater potential for cable damage:
During the movement of the steering wheel, the cable must bear two superimposed stresses of bending and torsion, and the free movement of the cable in space is not restricted by the bending radius and the torsion angle, and the cable is easily damaged due to mechanical performance exceeding the limit.
The ordinary cables equipped by many steering wheel manufacturers are not professionally designed sports cables. During the operation of the steering wheel, the cable and the moving parts of the steering wheel and the edge of the center hole of the gear plate are prone to friction and extrusion, which shortens the life of the cable.
Due to the fact that the projects are not separated, multiple cables are frictional and entangled with each other during movement, resulting in a decrease in the anti-interference ability of the data cable.

As the world’s leading mobile power supply system expert, igus has launched an RBR drag chain system solution specifically for horizontal steering wheel cable rotation protection. Features are as follows:
RBR rotating drag chains are installed around the horizontal steering wheel to standardize the spatial movement trajectory of the cable and avoid interference.
Equipped with igus bending and torsion resistant high flexible cable, which greatly improves the working stability and life of the cable.
Provide plug-and-play modular solutions with connectors (towline system, cables, connectors), which greatly improves the convenience of installation and maintenance.
The cable outlet path can be changed from the center hole of the gear plate on the top of the steering wheel to the AGV body. Provides a more convenient wiring scheme selection, reducing the design difficulty.